Saturday evening..bored as usual. I was surfing the internet when Ada called Zawa and invited us to play kite with her and Mamat.Kite??I haven't played that for ages!!No need to waste anymore time la..we packed some food and rushed to the West Field.
Mamat was the one who was very excited to play kite.Maybe because he would be leaving it was very windy that day.He bought two kites that we have to assemble the parts ourselevs.There we go!Engineering vs Biotech.Biotech students like me,zawa and Ada would act smart. We don' really know how to combine the pieces.Rather we took a peek on Mamat.heheh..Science students always used their brains...No need to say about Mamat la...He always knows how to do things.
The three of us share a kite.Expected from girls.Haha.Depress ok..because our kite kept on falling down..eventhough the wind was quite strong.While Mamat was celebrating because his kite flew so high..our kite crashed lor..Sedeh..because the end part tore... we have any other choice?Yes...of course!Exchanging our kite with Mamat.So mean, ha.Mamat was trying hard to repair our kite while we were happy with our 'new' kite.I managed to make this kite fly very high and used the whole thread. This one American was very impressed with my kite.hehe.He was like very nervous when my kite was slightly falling down.He kept shouting 'Pull it!Pull it!..Ye pakcik.Aku nih relax bagai..he was the one who was more excited than me.hehe
We had a very good time playing with the kite.Ok..time to go home before all the syaitan go out.It's Maghrib already la....
Yaya, best nyer dengar aktiviti outdoor korang ni. Nanti balik M'sia, ajak Nubhan gi camping. Wakakakakak!
hahah..harus la lucky.wat camping ramai2
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