Sunday evening..haa..borim lagik.Wah.It seemed like dejavu laks.Copy paste the same sentence. While I was surfing the internet,Dele called Zawa and told us to be ready.For what??Picninc guyssss!Yezaaa..We are going to Whipple Dam!
Who were the members?Me,Zawa,Ada,Mamat,Dele,Zam,Faiez and Jin.Same members, right?Yela..dah 7-8 ketul nih jek yg tinggal.Never mind.Our company was as lively as always.At first, we were lost to another park..more like a hiking trail called Stone Valley. We did stop there for a while..taking picture with eagle and owl.Then we proceeded to Whipple Dam..about 10 miles from College Park.
The place was so nice!Got areas to swim, play volleyball and kayak.I never kayaked did Ada and Zawa. So we took a kayak for 4 people(Or Was it called something else?).Never mind..Zawa and I tried our very best to kayak..Haha.It seemed like the kayak did not move much.Well..unfair ok.The kayak sailed smoothly when mamat took over.Dah...biar jek Mamat kayuh.Zawa and I would be the special guests.Haha.
After penat kayaking for about 50 minutes,we ate some food that we brought from home.Then, we played frisbee and kite.Kite again?Yup..But the wind was not helping much that day..So, at the end..we played frisbee.We had so much fun..but unfortunately Faiez lost his glasses when he tried to save the frisbee.Lor..dapat frisbee spec tergadai.Poor him.he was pretty sure he wore the glasses when he jumped into the swimming area. Well, we have looked over the places and it's getting darker that time. So, we decided to leave.
That night, we had dinner in Lexington.Yess...after a tiresome day.Rizal's Ayam Sambal was superrrr spicy.Ya Allah.pedas smpai berair mata.Proud of myself because I bore with it till the end. Thanks Rizal for the food.So, we went back to college park kekenyangan.Hehehe
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